Karunakar Madhav Kotian who started his professional career in commercial cricket in the ear 1987 is one of the most celebrated bowlers of his age. He has played for some of the best teams which included Youth, Ganesh Galli, Tilak Chawl etc. However, Rahul-11 was the team he played longest for. His was a nightmare to almost every great batsman of his time.
Full name : Karunakar Madhav Kotian
birth date : 27th Feb 1969
City : Mumbai , Vikhroli
State : Maharashtra
Qualification : T.Y.BCom
Profession : Service in Insurance Company
Playing Duration : 1987 – 2010
Team name : Youth, Ganeshgalli, Tilakchowk, Rahul-11
Roll in team : Bowler ( All Rounder )
Favorite Boll : Yorker
Nick name : Karuna