Mr.avinash jadhav also known as ‘Avi’ started his tennis cricket career in the year 1988. He first joined the team ‘Playboy’ and later on joined ‘Pressi’ and ‘Matchless’ which were one of the best teams in that time.
He was a player of ‘Pressi’ for a decade after which he joined the ‘Matchless’ and stayed with them for 12years. He performed different roles while playing from these teams such as captains well as opening batsman. He made a record of being awarded the ‘Man of the Series’16 times. Till now, this record remains intact.
- Purandar ground, a match against ‘Matchless’ In the second inning he scored 20 runs in 2 overs. They were short of 60 runs to be made in the last 3 overs. Mr. Avinash smashed 5 sixes to ‘Rahul11’s’ bowler Vikas Bhatkar and took his team to victory.
- Avinash’s team against ‘DingDong’ In this particular match, Avinash’s team needed 5 runs in one ball to win the match and being the reliable and capable player that he was, he hit a six and won the match.
Even after all these achievements, Mr. Avinash regrets to have always been beaten up by ‘Rahul-11’ and to have not been able to win the ‘RK Trophy’.
Full name :- avinash m. jadhav
Birth date :- 28.1.1971
Time duration for playing cricket :- 1988 to 2012
All teams play till now :- play boy , precy, matchless
Long time :- matchlers , precy
Roll in team :- attacking batsman , captain
Favorait short :- six in midwicket
Nick name : avi
Qualification :- bsc(with distinction )
Profession :- service
Designation :- Store keeper in hinduja hospital